
 邮箱网  2条评论  46055次浏览  2012年12月20日 星期四 13:27

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    编者语:首先,要感谢爱思华宝(IceWarp)中国及爱思华宝亚洲的CEO Vincent Lee(李平原)先生对于中国邮箱网《邮差访谈》的大力支持,并协调爱思华宝创始人Ladislav Goc与爱思华宝公司全球公共关系总监Yegor Kuznetsov(叶戈尔•库兹涅佐夫)先生对于本次访谈的细心答复。



    Ladislav Goc (拉迪斯拉夫) 先生是爱思华宝公司的创始人兼总裁,负责公司战略愿景及业务品牌的拓展。Ladislav Goc 作为一个开发者已有30年的经验,包括微型计算机编程,电脑硬件,软件数据库开发。在创立爱思华宝之前,Ladislav Goc 和他的家人现居美国。

    Yegor Kuznetsov(叶戈尔•库兹涅佐夫)先生是爱思华宝公司的全球公共关系总监,他负责市场推广,公共关系,新闻发布,公司品牌推广。

    Vincent Lee(李平原)先生是爱思华宝中国及爱思华宝亚洲的CEO。 他负责爱思华宝中国的高层管理和爱思华宝在中国市场的业务发展。Vincent Lee有超过30年的Pascal, HP9000 Unix平台上的ANSI C的软件开发经验。


    1999年Jakub Klos 开始为美国市场开发微力邮箱管理系统套装和OEM邮件服务器。那时许多其他的邮件服务器都由微力开发组开发,微力就是爱思华宝的前身。因其易用性而被高度重视。



    第一个邮件服务器支持TLS / SSL



    Vincent Lee 说:爱思华宝在亚洲非常成功,例如香港、马来西亚、泰国、新加坡、韩国和中国。在香港超过70%的ISP 和邮件托管公司正在使用爱思华宝作为电子邮件平台提供服务。在国内市场,众多企业对电子邮件服务器的巨大需求。中国企业的规模比其他亚洲市场都大,动辄达到数千甚至过万用户。因此爱思华宝更专注于为中国各类型的企业提供邮件服务器项目。云端及跨市的服务器是爱思华宝软件开发的方向。


    叶戈尔•库兹涅佐夫先生说:我们最新的web2.0产品是爱思华宝 LiveWebAssist,一个多语种业务实时网络聊天,它支持大多数移动设备、个人电脑或平板电脑或爱思华宝网络客户,爱思华宝 LiveWebAssist是一个真正的Web2.0多语种的实时翻译网站聊天系统。 爱思华宝桌面客户端(IceWarp Desktop Client)是一个很好的Web2.0应用软件,爱思华宝桌面客户端(IceWarp Desktop Client)可以集成社交网络如:Facebook,Twister、Gmail和其他大多数Web2.0系统。

    Ladislav Goc先生说:在爱思华宝新版本里已经可以支持单点登录(SSO)。我们下一步是要扩大爱思华宝的协同效应。我们正在建立一个协同广播和屏幕共享平台,用户可以很容易地安排会议,常见的工作任务,并分享和编辑文档、交换文件。是的,我们知道在互联网世界已经有很多类似的解决方案。但是爱思华宝有其独特的优势,我们的企业客户可以在自己的服务器上运行应用程序,这种做法比现存的Web2.0的服务更安全。


    Vincent Lee 说:爱思华宝除了支持SSL / TLS的加密协议,爱思华宝的 Webmail 服务在多年前也已使用了 RSA 加密协议,这比其他 Webmail 服务更加安全 。爱思华宝还支持数字签名,以此来确保内容传输的安全性。

    Mr. Ladislav Goc 说:爱思华宝已成为一个安全证书的认证机构,只需轻点鼠标,即可让我们的客户正确安装证书。根据公司创始人 Jakub KLOS 所说,就商业通讯来说,基于iPhone,Android和其他平台的智能手机使用日益增长但风险也越来越大,但是移动工作者很少知道或在乎他们的通信是否加密的。爱思华宝服务器端的证书就能解决这个问题,因为爱思华宝的证书服务安装方便,使用简单。


    Mr. Ladislav Goc说:5年前,智能手机已经开始普及,爱思华宝整合了企业的电邮,协调工作及移动通讯。爱思华宝首先采用了开放标准 SyncML 移动数据同步协议。随着技术的发展我们采用了微软的ActiveSync代替 SyncML。总的来说,移动办公是一个持续的趋势。爱思华宝累积了近10年的 RAD 相关开发经验和实践。许多国家的网络专业人员,从我们早期版本开始已经测试并喜欢上爱思华宝。





    中国邮箱网:对于国际比较知名的邮件系统厂商,微软的Exchange以及IBM的lotus产品您作何评价?爱思华宝在全球的邮件系统市场目前处于一个怎样的位置 ?

    Ladislav Goc说:我们发现EXCHANGE正在吞噬IBM Lotus的市场,而EXCHANGE和IBM Lotus的客户有转向选择爱思华宝的趋势。

    许多情况显示了Exchange 和Lotus 每年的维护费用已经足够购买一套全新的爱思华宝服务器。Exchange和Lotus也没有集成反垃圾邮件和反病毒功能,他们需要额外购买昂贵的外部反垃圾邮件网关。Exchange和Lotus的维护费和软件升级费太高。Exchange和Lotus的软件管理非常复杂。而例行维护成本也非常高。

    当全球经济依然疲弱,许多公司需要减少运行成本保持兼容性。爱思华宝邮件服务器简单的后台管理、完美的功能以及超低成本,是Microsoft Exchange和Lotus的替代方案。


    Vincent Lee说:我们建议中国公司考虑…

    6.这个软件是否是一个真正的前后端产品或只是一个只有Web 的客户端界面?(我们发现一些其他的电子邮件软件只有一个中文的用户界面和使用了免费或破解的电子邮件服务器作为后端。我们可以认为它是一种欺骗的电子邮件服务器而不是一个真正的产品,国内存在不少类似的产品。)

    中国邮箱网:对于一个邮件系统而言,爱思华宝 保持了很高频率的邮件系统软件版本升级和更新速度,您能简单介绍一下目前爱思华宝在全球的软件技术研发人员的基本概况以及技术研发情况么?

    Mr. Ladislav Goc说:爱思华宝有一个非常强大的电邮软件开发团队。我们的开发人员很多都在爱思华宝工作超过10年。 我们的开发团队人员分布在美国、意大利、德国和捷克。他们共同创造了爱思华宝服务器,爱思华宝服务器就像他们的婴儿。他们很高兴看到爱思华宝的成功和见证他的成长。


    Vincent Lee 说:爱思华宝是一个全球性的电子邮件解决方案。中国用户喜欢中国式的简单界面,这是很正常的。但是简单的界面随着不断的改良,肯定不会再像以前那么简单。应用上也会感觉不习惯。而在功能上,国内很多的webmail都不能同时显示两封电子邮件,但爱思华宝可以。我们相信中国用户将越来越喜欢爱思华宝界面,他们会发现,爱思华宝的界面是真正值得花很多时间去了解和熟悉的用户界面。终端用户的计算机能力不断提高,终端用户将有更多的能力来处理不同的用户界面。例如iPhone和Andorid、界面不同,但两者都是同样受欢迎的。


    Vincent Lee 说:爱思华宝三年前已经支持SAAS、云计算。爱思华宝支持自建的服务器、企业云,SAAS的服务模式。我们也在观察市场如何变化。而这一刻,我们可以听见云计算声音很大,但似乎国内很多企业需要自建服务器在自己的公司多于云计算服务。我们将继续关注。


    Vincent Lee说:是的,移动技术是爱思华宝的一个主要发展方向,我们了解到我们的客户不太喜欢邮件服务器与的社交消闲网络之间有太多联系。我们需要平衡电子邮件安全和社交化的趋势。我们将继续关注…


    从1999年至今, 爱思华宝邮件系统从诞生至今已有13年历史。2005年爱思华宝登录中国,并以其领先的技术优势迅速占领市场,得到了更多运营商和企业客户的青睐。在爱思华宝的发展道路上,爱思华宝更是创造了多个业界第一:第一个邮件服务器支持TLS / SSL;第一个邮件服务器集成的邮箱;第一个邮件服务器支持一键式备份和恢复;第一个完全集成的多线程反病毒服务器;第一个完全集成的反垃圾邮件服务器;第一个带一个API的组件解决方案;第一个完全基于ODBC组件解决方案。



    本次访谈的对象都是在国际邮件技术领域研发经验超过30年的业界领袖。希望通过这样的交流,可以给国内的邮件系统软件领导者、开发者以启示,而国产邮件系统软件创新发展之路更需要一批志同道合的研发者与领导人的专注与努力  !

Interview Text Record

Chinaemail.com.cn: President Lee. It is my pressure to have this chance to interview with you from the Chinaemail.com.cn News portal,as we know, a lot of friends on Icewarp know little, can you tell us about the history of what IceWarp email system? And IceWarp  development  in the Asia-Pacific region and even in China, Hong Kong and other places?

Vincent Lee said :  IceWarp is very successful in Asia, i.e. Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Korea and China. It is over 70% ISP / mail hosting company are using IceWarp as Email platform to provide email services in Hong Kong.  We found big corporation  have huge demand of Email Server in China. The clients' company size are always bigger than all Asia markets, there are few thousand users at lease in China. IceWarp are more focusing on Multiple email Servers project for China big corporation. Multiple servers implementation are the direction of IceWarp Software development.

chinaemail.com.cn:We learned Icewarp mail system for the support of Web2.0 is very powerful, can you tell us about IceWarp email system for  Web2.0 support? As well as the direction of the future development of IceWarp it?

Mr. Yegor Kuznetsov said : Our most recent product is IceWarp LiveWebAssist, a multilingual business Live Web Chat, which support most Mobile devices, PC or Tablet or IceWarp WebClient. IceWarp LiveWebAssist  is a real Web2.0 Multilingual real time translation Web Chat system. IceWarp Desktop Client is also a good client for Web2.0 application, IceWarp Desktop client can integrated Social Network, Facebook, Twister, Gmail and most other web2.0 applications.

Mr. Ladislav Goc said : Single Sign On is already possible with Active Directory. For any deeper integration and 3rd party access, however, we would have to give up too much from the current flexibility. We often take inspirations from the applets that we see popular among users and implement them ourselves, such as maps or weather forecasts.

Next step of IceWarp is more on collaboration in GroupWare. We are taking to build a Webcast and Screen sharing platform, where users can easily schedule sessions to work on common tasks, do live meetings, share and edit documents, exchange files, all in real time and using just the web interface and secured environment of their own corporate network.  Yes, we know there are already many similar solution in the internet world. The unique advantage of IceWarp is  our corporate clients can run the applications on OWN server, which is 100% more secure than the exists web2.0 services.

Chinaemail.com.cn:Currentlydomestic enterprises for information security is quite concerned based on the mailbox mail system leaks,  information tampering, etc. So E-mail security is becoming one of the many issues of concern to corporate users.

What are the advantages of IceWarp e-mail system in the mail system security, you can circumvent the potential security  risks of enterprises in the process of information transmission?

Vincent Lee said : IceWarp support RSA encryption, it is highest secured than any other web mail solution. IceWarp  support Digital signature to ensure the secure transmission.  Of cause IceWarp well supports SSL/TLS … etc common security features.

Mr. Ladislav Goc said : IceWarp has become a Security Certificate Authority, which lets our customers install properly configured certificates with just a few mouse clicks. According to Jakub Klos, the company founder, "The growing use of smartphones based on iPhone, Android and other platforms is the gravest risk for business communications, since mobile workers rarely even know or care if their communications are encrypted." Certificates from IceWarp solve this problem with the approved server-based protection and easy installation.

Chinaemail.com.cn:Including collaborative work, Outlook synchronization, IM integration and Voip Internet phone online Office Icewarp  actually in many technical areas have been at the forefront of the development of the e-mail system, after more than a  decade of development of the domestic mail market also toward internationaldevelopment and advancing in the direction of  both from a functional or cloud deployment, in your opinion, the future development of the e-mail from a technical point of  view, there will be those breakthroughs and innovation can make domestic counterparts to learn?

Mr. Ladislav Goc said : 5 years ago, integration between corporate communication systems and users' smartphones or mobile phones was practically in existent. Since then, we were the first to adopt the open standard SyncML which was later completely replaced by Microsoft's ActiveSync. You can see that foreseeing 5 years into the future can be a hit-and-miss. Overall, the integration with mobile devices is a continuing trend. Many development practices that we are using since for almost ten years are similar to Rapid Application Development methods as we know them today. Beside our internal quality assurance, we cooperate with a network of professionals in many countries who have early access to our development versions and can identify problems that would be otherwise hard to simulate in testing environments.

We found many Clients choose IceWarp because of have a great unique feature : Support Multiple Servers with SAME domain name.

We can see the Server computing power are going up BUT cost of Hardware server are always going down. We all know separated server for different branches or different department are the good approach when cost is not too much. The coming trend is to have more separated server for a corporation for better performance and higher security. Multiple servers environment is also the foundation of Cloud Computing and Private Corporation Cloud.

Nowadays, IceWarp already well support multiple mail servers & Cloud environment. The winning position of IceWarp is  “Focus on Messaging” on Cloud and Mobile. We understand many clients choose IceWarp because the focusing on Messaging.

IceWarp email Server is the core product of IceWarp. All the further development are going around this core products.

Chinaemail.com.cn:For the more well-known international mail system vendors, Microsoft Exchange and IBM lotus products for commentary?  IceWarp mail system market in the world in what position?

Mr. Ladislav Goc said :We found Exchange are eating IBM Lotus market, We are eating Exchange and IBM Lotus market.

We have many cases shown the yearly maintain fee of a Exchange and Lotus are good enough to buy a new full set of IceWarp Server.  BOTH Exchange and Lotus do not have integrated AntiSpam and AntiVrirus, They are always need to with the expensive external AntiSpam Gateway.  Exchange and Lotus are too expensive on maintenance, software upgrade. Because BOTH Exchange and Lotus  software were over featured then come with very complicated operation. So the routine maintenance  cost are also very high.

When global economic is still weak,  many corporations need to cut running cost to keep compatibility.  IceWarp Messaging Server is the Simple management, Easy Deploy, Low Cost, Enterprise Class, Alternative to Microsoft Exchange and Lotus.

Chinaemail.com.cn:As an international mail system, IceWarp supports more than 20 kinds of language of the country, and there are a lot of  innovative features for enterprise mailer application. What is the biggest difference of domestic enterprises and foreign  enterprises in the purchase of the mail system, in your opinion? Can you give domestic enterprises in the procurement of  the mail system to provide some valuable suggestions for reference?

Vincent Lee said :  We suggestion China corporation consider …

1. Further development, update and upgrade ability   

2. Leading in messaging technology, don't buy outdate software     

3. Multple servers / Cloud Computing ability

4. so the software developer focusing on email Software development

5. Compare 2~3 years old version and new version of the same software, do they have big improvement ?  If yes, We can consider this software, It no, mean this software is dead.

6. Do this email software have real backend products or just a webclient skin ? ( we found some other email software just have a chinese webclient interface and using the free or cracked email server as backend.  We can consider it is a cheating email server rather than a real product, seem cheating email servers are quite common in China)

Chinaemail.com.cn:For a mail system, IceWarp remains high frequency mail system software version upgrade and update speed, you can briefly  explain Currently IceWarp a basic overview of the global software technology R & D personnel, and technology research and  development situation?

Mr. Ladislav Goc said : IceWarp have a very strong Messaging software development team. They are working in IceWarp for more than 10 years. We have development team in United States, Italy, German and Czech. They created IceWarp Server, IceWarp Server is look like their baby. They are happy to see the successful of IceWarp and seeing the baby are growing up.

Many development practices that we are using since for almost ten years are similar to Rapid Application Development methods as we know them today. Beside our internal quality assurance, We cooperate with a network of professionals in many countries who have early access to our development versions and can identify problems that would be otherwise hard to simulate in testing environments.

Chinaemail.com.cn:a lot of contact with IceWarp domestic customers have had this feeling by IceWarp products or compare the forefront of  an e-mail product, a lot of features and is unique in the world. Become IceWarp technical advantages, but at the same time  there will be many domestic users are not very accustomed to in the application. What do you think of this issue?

Vincent Lee said :IceWarp is a Global email solution. It is normal if Chinese like Chinese Web interface. We can see the popular Chinese webmail interface are improving slowly and no more  as simple as before.  Most other webmail can NOT open TWO emails on same screen, but IceWarp can. We believe China users will love IceWarp interface when they know we are more advance. It is really take time to let end users familiar with new users interface.  When Computing ability of end users are growing up,  end users will have more intelligent to handle difference interface.  For example  iPhone and Andorid, interface are different, but both are popular. 

Chinaemail.com.cn:mainland China and the Asia-Pacific region, it is quite dynamic emerging economies. With the development and  popularization of the Internet, SAAS cloud service model based on cloud technology is being more and more enterprises  recognized, we know that simple erection of the mail system software and deployment within the enterprise and SAAS services  there are still some differences you think the SAAS will become the trend of businesses to choose products and services in  the future? If a trend exists, then to IceWarp whether there are appropriate strategic adjustment?

Vincent Lee said : IceWarp already support SAAS, Cloud computing three years ago.  IceWarp support Own servers, Private Cloud, SAAS module.  Just We are watching How the markets are changing. By this moment, We can hear Cloud Computing sound loud, but seem China Corporation need to have own servers inside the own Corporation more than in the Cloud.  We are keep watching …

Chinaemail.com.cn: in the e-mail industry, third-party research firm data show that mobile trends Mail, Microsoft released yesterday the  Outlook.com mail Preview media analysis, the mailbox there steering socializing trend, IceWarp mobiletechnology and social  direction which efforts to explore and try?

Vincent Lee said : yes, mobile technology is one of the major development task in IceWarp.   IceWarp is not consumer products, We heard our clients DO NOT like the email server have too many connection between the social network.  We need balance the email security and  Socializing. We are keep watching  

The mailman's comment:

Since 1999, up until now, IceWarp mail system has 13 years' history since its birth. IceWarp entered in China in 2005, it quickly occupied the market with its leading technology advantage , got more favor from operators and enterprise customer . In development road of IceWarp, It created many industry firsts:

First mail server to support TLS / SSL

First mail server with integrated webmail

First mail server to support One-Click Backup and Restore

First fully integrated multi-threaded anti virus server

First fully integrated anti spam server

First groupware solution with an API

First groupware solution based entirely on ODBC

The editor feel that the most powerfulness of IceWarp is its advanced Web2.0 design and desktop operation interface. So far, in the Web mail's interface, there is no one can go beyond on supporting the same window with opening multiple pages, performing multiple task mode of operation. Based on the email page's safety, IceWarp will place a digital certificate on Web mail interface, and it can guide safety certificate without getting through the third-party 's mail desktop client.

For the software vendors' difference on domestic mail system and foreign mail system , IceWarp China and IceWarp Asia's CEO Mr. Vincent Lee said: mail software's ability on development, update and upgrade, cloud computing ability, focus on E-mail software's development, whether it has the great progress based on the software's development, and software's anti- piracy is still worthy for many Chinese peers and enterprise customers who are engaged in mail industry to learn .

This interview objects are industry leaders who have more than 30 years experience  in the international mail technology research and development . We hope that we can enlighten domestic mail system software leader and developers through such communication, the development road of domestic mail system 's software innovation  needs more focus and effort of a large group of like-minded developers and leaders 



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