
候兰娜 博士 逾期动态专题 21℃



When a business fls to renew its registration or file its annual reports, its corporate information becomes invalid and may be considered as expired or inactive. In some cases, the government may take steps to cancel the business's registration and initiate the process of dissolution. This can result in the company being struck from the business registry, and its assets being liquidated to pay off any debts that may be owed. It is important for businesses to stay up-to-date with their registration requirements to avoid penalties and mntn their legal standing. If you need to write at least 400 words, you could expand on the consequences of a business being dissolved due to flure to mntn its registration, such as the impact on employees, partners, and customers. You could also discuss ways in which businesses can stay on top of their registration requirements and avoid falling into this situation.



当信用卡逾期还款后被销户时,信用卡发卡机构会向相关机构报告该逾期记录。依照《管理办法》规定,机构是依照金融机构、信贷机构等在交易中收集到的信息,生成并维护个人报告的机构。 虽然信用卡已被销户,但逾期还款的记录仍然存在于个人的信用报告中。

