

邝梦槐44级会 翡翠 106℃



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However, it is worth mentioning that not all types of jade react in the same way to heat. Different types of jade have different compositions and structures, so their reactions to heat vary. For example, nephrite jade is known to be more resistant to heat and may not turn white as easily as other types of jade when exposed to high temperatures. On the other hand, some types of jade, such as serpentine or dyed jades, may be more prone to turning white when heated.


2. Besides the natural reaction to heat, another reason for jade turning white after being heated could be the presence of certain treatments or enhancements on the stone. Jade dealers and craftsmen sometimes use different types of treatments to enhance the color or clarity of jade. These treatments can involve heat or chemicals, and they may cause the jade to react in unexpected ways when exposed to high temperatures. For example, if the jade has been treated with a dye that is sensitive to heat, it may lose its color and turn white when heated.


3. The third reason for jade turning white after being heated could be the presence of impurities or other substances on the surface of the stone. Jade is often found in its natural state with impurities or minerals attached to its surface. When the jade is heated, these impurities may undergo a chemical reaction and become white, causing the surface of the jade to turn white as well.


4. Finally, it is important to note that not all white jade is a result of heating. Some types of jade naturally occur in white colors, such as white nephrite or white jadeite. These types of jade can be highly valued and sought after for their unique appearance.

In conclusion, the phenomenon of jade turning white after being heated can be attributed to various factors, including the natural reaction of jade to heat, the presence of treatments or enhancements on the stone, the presence of impurities on the surface, and the natural occurrence of white-colored jade. Understanding these factors can help enthusiasts and buyers better appreciate and evaluate jade in the jewelry industry.