
More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

于霞雰4级会 翡翠 55℃


More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

Jade, a precious gemstone known for its vibrant green color, has been highly prized in many cultures for thousands of years. It is particularly popular in the East, especially in China, where it holds deep cultural and historical significance. In this article, we will delve into the world of jade, specifically focusing on the knowledge and information about raw jade stones.

More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

To start with, jade is a mineral composed primarily of two different minerals, namely jadeite and nephrite. Jadeite is formed in the presence of aluminum-rich rocks and is known for its vivid green color. On the other hand, nephrite, which is more common and affordable, is typically pale green in color.

More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

Raw jade stones are usually found in remote locations, often deep within the earth's crust. Myanmar, specifically the Kachin state, is one of the world's most significant sources of high-quality jadeite. Other countries such as Russia, Guatemala, and Canada also have deposits of nephrite.

More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

Identifying high-quality raw jade stones can be a complex task. It requires not only an understanding of its physical characteristics but also an appreciation for its cultural and historical significance. Professional gemologists look for certain attributes such as color, translucency, texture, and overall appearance.

More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

Color is one of the most crucial factors in determining the value of a jade stone. The ideal color is a vibrant, even shade of green. While other shades such as lavender, white, and yellow can occur in jadeite, pure green is the most sought-after. Jadeite also often displays a unique translucency, allowing light to pass through the stone and give it a special glow.

More English translations of jade knowledge, comprehensive guide to jade terminology in English

The texture of raw jade stones is another important aspect to consider. A fine-grained texture with a *** ooth surface is highly desirable. The stone should be free from any cracks, fractures, or visible impurities. Gemologists also consider the size and shape of the stone, with larger, more symmetrical stones fetching higher prices.

One interesting characteristic of jade is its ability to change color over time. When jade is exposed to the air and sunlight, it can undergo a process called