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2024 06/ 12 18:50:06







1. 团费:一般对于安阳到云南跟团一日游的团费在180元至300元之间具体价格因旅行社、路线和景点而异。

2. 交通费:从安阳到云南的往返交通费用需另外计算,往往情况下,往返高铁票约为500元,飞机票约为1000元。

3. 住宿费:一日游常常不含住宿,但假若需要在云南过夜,住宿费用约为200元至500元/晚。

4. 餐饮费:一日游的团费往往包含一餐,其他餐饮费用约为50元至100元。

5. 景点门票:部分景点门票需另外购买,费用约为100元至200元。



1. 之一天:抵达大理

- 上午:游览丽江古城,感受古城的历史风貌。

- 下午:前往大理理想邦欣赏美丽的洱海风光。

- 晚上:入住大理酒店,休息。

2. 第二天:九乡一日游

- 上午:参观九乡风景区,欣赏独有的喀斯特地貌。

- 下午:游览双廊古镇感受古镇的悠闲生活。

- 晚上:返回昆明或丽江,结束愉快的一日游。


1. 提前理解团期:在选择旅游团时,要提前理解团期,以保障行程安排符合自身的需求。

2. 选择正规旅行社:报名参团时,要选择正规旅行社保证旅途安全和优劣。

3. 携带必备物品:云南地处高原,气候多变,需携带防晒霜、雨具等必备物品。

4. 关注饮食安全:在旅行进展中要留意饮食安全,避免食用过量辛辣、油腻食物。

5. 尊重当地风俗:在游览期间,要尊重当地风俗习惯,遵守景区规定。


recently experienced a memorable one-day tour in Yunnan from Anyang. With a budget of just over 600 yuan, I was able to enjoy a wonderful weekend filled with beautiful scenery and cultural experiences.

Our journey began with an early morning departure from Anyang. After a comfortable journey, we arrived in Dali, a city known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. The first stop on our itinerary was Lijiang Ancient Town, where we marveled at the well-preserved architecture and vibrant street culture.

Next, we visited Dali Ideal Land, a picturesque area located by Erh Lake. The serene views and tranquil atmosphere allowed us to relax and soak in the beauty of nature. We also explored Shuanglang Ancient Town, where we had the opportunity to witness the local lifestyle and sample some delicious Yunnan cuisine.

In the evening, we returned to our hotel in Dali and rested up for the next day's adventure. The second day of our tour took us to Jiu Xiang Scenic Area, known for its stunning karst landscapes. We spent the morning hiking and exploring the unique geological formations, and in the afternoon, we visited Dali Old Town, where we shopped for souvenirs and experienced the local culture.

Throughout the tour, we were guided by knowledgeable and friendly tour guides who provided interesting insights into the history and culture of Yunnan. The cost of the tour was very reasonable, with the per person price being just 600 yuan, which included transportation, accommodation, and some meals.

In conclusion, our one-day tour of Yunnan from Anyang was an unforgettable experience that allowed us to explore the beauty and culture of this amazing region. With its affordable price and well-planned itinerary, this tour is definitely worth considering for anyone looking to experience the best of Yunnan in a short amount of time.




头像 你是我的菜哦 2024-06-12
而这次旅行的花费也远低于我的预期,仅600余元便让我度过了一个难忘的。 安阳市到云南跟团旅游2-3天需要多少钱?人均才600!经历分享! 大理,一个美丽的城市。安阳市到云南跟团旅游2-3天需要多少钱?人均才600!经历分享! 我们在云南玩了两天仅花费了600余元,便在这美丽的土地上留下了难忘的回忆。抵达大理的之一天。
头像 小猫倩倩 2024-06-12
安阳市到云南跟团旅游2-3天需要多少钱?人均才600!经历分享! 我们在云南玩了两天仅花费了600余元,便在这美丽的土地上留下了难忘的回忆。抵达大理的之一天。
头像 陈宸 2024-06-12
安阳到云南旅游团报团 经过多年的发展,云南已经成为国内外游客向往的旅游胜地。云南省地处西南边陲,自然景观独到,人文历史悠久,加之多民族文化的交融。
头像 叼着奶瓶闯天下 2024-06-12
安阳去云南旅游攻略及花费 题目:安阳去云南旅游攻略及花费 问答一:云南旅游更佳的季节是什么时候? 答:云南地处高原,气候多样。汤阴旅游团报价及全方位旅行信息汇总是一份针对汤阴地区旅游的详细指南。
头像 中科院之声 2024-06-12
?儿童价标准:年龄0~12周岁(不含),不占床,含当地旅游车位,含半餐。不含住宿及景点门票费(儿童超过 2米请至景区购买门票,会协助购买。
头像 王海茹 2024-06-12
团期:06-02(周日)06-03(周一)06-04(周二)06-05(周三)06-06(周四)... ¥180元/起 第1天 : 九乡一日游 丽江古城,大理理想邦,大理圣托尼里,双廊古镇,5日游 丽江或昆明出发。
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