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2024 05/ 30 11:08:34



1. 高端定制游: This package is designed for travelers who seek luxury and comfort. You will enjoy private transportation, deluxe accommodations, and exclusive tours of famous landmarks in Yunnan. The itinerary includes visiting Dali Ancient Town, Lijiang Old Town, and Tiger Leaping Gorge. Price starts from ,000.


2. 经典云南游:This package is suitable for travelers who want to explore the highlights of Yunnan. You will visit Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, and Shangri-La, experiencing the diverse cultures and beautiful landscapes of the province. The itinerary includes visiting the Stone Forest, Dali Ancient Town, Lijiang Old Town, and Songzanlin Monastery. Price starts from ,500.

3. 深度游:This package is designed for travelers who want to immerse themselves in the local culture and nature of Yunnan. You will visit less-known but equally beautiful places such as Xishuangbanna, Dehong, and Nujiang. The itinerary includes exploring minority villages, visiting ancient temples, and enjoying the stunning landscapes. Price starts from $3,500.

4. 摄影游:This package is perfect for photography enthusiasts. You will visit the most picturesque places in Yunnan, including the Rice Terraces in Yuanyang, the Hani minority villages, and the Blue Moon Valley. Your tour guide will provide you with valuable tips and guidance to capture the best shots. Price starts from $2,800.

5. 亲子游:This package is designed for families with children. You will visit popular tourist attractions in Yunnan, such as the Kunming Zoo, the Stone Forest, and the Dali Ancient Town. The itinerary includes interactive activities that are both educational and fun for children. Price starts from $2,000.

6. 文艺游:This package is suitable for travelers who are interested in art, music, and architecture. You will visit ancient towns, temples, and monasteries in Yunnan, as well as attend local cultural events and festivals. The itinerary includes visiting the Lijiang Old Town, the Songzanlin Monastery, and the Dali Ancient Town. Price starts from $2,200.



云南作为著名的旅游目的地以其丰富的自然风光和多元文化而闻名。对计划前往云南旅游的游客对于选择合适的旅游报团服务是保障行程顺利、省心的关键因素。本文将对比分析不同云南5天游的报团价格表帮助游客理解报团服务的费用构成并依据提供的信息判断哪个报团服务更符合个人需求和预算。通过对多个报团服务的价格和内容实行比较咱们将为游客提供一种理性的选择依据。 从太原到丽江报团5天游 从太原到丽江报团5天游 假若你想在短时间内理解南部的风土人情和地域文化那么从太原到丽江的报团5天游是一个不错的选择。这个行程充满了古朴的韵味和迷人的



2023年春节云南昆明大理丽江旅游团报价大概多少钱?春节期间云南旅游价因行程、住宿、餐饮等不同而有所差异。一般而言旅游团报价会在几千元至一万元左右。具体报价需依据所选择的旅行社和行程安排实施咨询。建议提前预订并比较不同旅行社的报价和服务选择适合本身的旅游团。 2023年春节去云南旅游 2023年春节来临之际选择前往云南旅游的游客越来越多。作为一名旅游方面的专家,在云南旅游方面拥有20年的经验,我想给大家提供若干宝贵的建议以帮助大家更好地应对解决难题,并避免不良作用。 一、预订旅游线路和酒店 由于春节期间旅游



春节云南旅游跟团报价:大理、丽江、版纳多地游多少钱? 春节是我国最要紧的传统佳节家家户户都沉浸在浓厚的喜庆氛围中。在这个时候,不少人选择出门旅游,放松身心,迎接新年的到来。云南,作为我国更受欢迎的旅游胜地之一,每年春节都吸引了大量游客前来度假。本文将为您详细介绍春节云南旅游跟团报价,包含大理、丽江、版纳多地游的消费情况,助您更好地规划春节云南之旅。 一、春节云南旅游跟团报价纯玩 纯玩团是指旅 程中不含任何隐形消费的团队,让游客可以放心游玩,无后顾之忧。春节云南旅游跟团报价纯玩的价格相对较高,但依然受到很多游



2023年春节云南旅游攻略费用大概多少?热门旅行路线报价单收藏。春节期间云南旅游市场将迎来一波高峰许多游客都在为春节假期制定旅行计划。为了帮助游客更好地规划行程,本文将提供一份详细的云南旅游攻略,涵盖热门路线、费用预算和报价单,让您轻松安排一次愉快的春节旅行。 春节去云南旅游费用大概多少钱 难题解答。 春节去云南旅游费用大概多少钱 春节是一年中人最必不可少的节日之一,也是旅游高峰期之一。许多人都会选择在春节期间外出旅行,其中,云南作为一个风景秀丽的旅游目的地备受游客青睐。很多人对春节去云南旅游的费用存在疑惑

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